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Why I started Flow State

I first was introduced to Floating in 2012 by Joe Rogan, I was 21 years old and looking to go deeper into myself and why I was the way I was. I was fascinated by the solitude and stillness floating offered and I found that the first centre was opening in Calgary in a couple of months. I knew I had to try, and I got in contact with the owners right away. After some time, I got a job there and really started to explore the benefits. Not only for me but for the community of people that came through the doors of Float Life. The stories people would tell of their own healing, physical and mental, was astonishing to me. Over the years I fell away from floating but in 2019 I picked up everything I owned (which wasn’t a lot) and moved in with my uncle in Langley. I wasn’t living up to my potential and I knew it. I had to get back on track and figure out what I really wanted from life. I needed the solitude and stillness. My parents moved to the Valley shortly after and every time I visited, the pull on my soul to stay was enormous. Thanksgiving 2022 while I was there, I thought it was the perfect time for a float and I was shocked to find the closest centre was in Victoria. My dad and I had one conversation years ago about opening one and I asked if he was still interested. As I started to research the viability, I was reminded of the Float Life community and knew that the Valley would benefit immensely from the benefits of floating. My vision is to foster that community and build new ones around health, healing, and Wholeness. The beauty in the Valley is only overshadowed by the beauty of the people here and I can’t wait to meet all of you and hear your stories.
Flowstate Float

Flowstate Float