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Build peace, mindfulness and complete physical relaxation
Release your creativity and uncover new insights

About Us

Our mission is to introduce Restricted Environmental Stimulation Therapy (R.E.S.T) to the Comox Valley while building a community around Floating, Wellness, and Mindfulness. Our goal is to bring Tranquility and Peace to The Valley through Sensory Deprivation.

The Centre

The centre is designed to facilitate the transition from everyday life into complete relaxation. We are an environment for community, self-reflection, and self-care. We have allocated spaces to de-compress and integrate your experience in our Quiet Area or connect with a group of like-minded individuals in our Community Area.

Our non-slip floors, easy to navigate hallways, and open-concept layout help ensure maximum comfort and safety while our guests experience the benefits of floating.

We have everything you need to re-centre your awareness.

Our Float Rooms

Ocean Float Rooms is a leading provider of state-of-the-art sensory deprivation floatation chambers, designed to deliver a transformative and rejuvenating experience. With a commitment to creating the ultimate relaxation environment, Ocean Float Rooms offer meticulously engineered floatation tanks that immerse users in a serene, weightless environment, free from external distractions. The float rooms are equipped with advanced filtration systems to ensure the highest standards of cleanliness and hygiene, providing a safe and hygienic experience for every user. Ocean Float Rooms prides itself on delivering a customizable floating experience, with adjustable lighting, music, and temperature settings, allowing users to personalize their sessions based on their preferences. Equipped with a 2-way intercom system designed with healthcare professionals, our clients can contact the front desk from the tank or connect with their Doctor for in-tank therapy sessions.

Our People

Our Founder, Travis and his family moved to Comox to connect with the natural beauty of The Valley. He has witnessed first-hand the healing power of this environment and the self-reflection it inspires. Travis has been floating since 2012 and has experienced a multitude of benefits that come with Sensory Deprivation. Depression and Anxiety have receded, and new Doors of Perception have opened to him. His search for purpose and community led him to the vision of a Float Centre in The Valley. He has leaned on the support of his own community to help bring his dreams to fruition. He will always strive to offer safe-spaces to explore ideas, connections, and understanding in the Comox Valley, a place that has given him a new life.
